Berwick Pony Club
We are a friendly, family orientated Club located at Ayr Hill Equestrian Centre, Gate 4/500 Soldiers Road, Clyde North, with our rallies generally being held every 3rd Sunday of the month.
We are lucky enough to have Ayr Hill Equestrian Centre as our homegrounds, equipped with a covered arena, 2 large outdoor arenas, wash bays and day yards. Not to mention the great club rooms.
We offer a great range of coaches throughout the year, with our focus on dressange, poles and show jumping.
Our rally starts at 9.30am with gear check. Followed by two morning riding lessons, lunch, theory and a riding lesson in the afternoon finishing the day around 3.30pm. We cater for all ages and abilities; from littlies on leads to the more advanced riders.
New Members very welcome.
See 'Contact Us' for contact numbers and browse the 'Activities' and 'Events Calendar' to see what we are up to.
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